Friday, June 10, 2011

Kids (Why not Adults?) Play 60

I've really been spending a lot of thought about conditioning and my practice performance in Chen Tai Chi and all the weapons forms. I'm also a huge NFL fan, and most of the time I just block out all the kids play 60 commercials on the nfl station, but this week I have really been open minded and thinking about my physical abilities during my high school and college days, vs my physical capabilities now that I am 50 years old.

As a physical therapist, I understand there should be little limitation to what we are capable of as we age; however,my body is telling me otherwise. I get home from work, and i'm tired and i'm drained. Looking over my lifestyle then during my school days, vs now, the big difference is in overall activity level.

I used to bike to commute when I was in therapy school in St Louis, and not having a car, I rode all over St. Louis on my bike to get where I needed to go. Same during my high school years. My friends and I would often get together, for a pick up football game or softball or basketball, even. Doing something was the norm! None of this, get off from work, eat dinner and crash on the bed nonsense that is prevalent for me now.

And all that activity was in addition to my regular training activities. Up until I was 40 I trained in multiple martial arts 7 days a week. After my divorce, things changed dramatically. I'm not really sure why actually.

Anyway, I decided it is time to do something drastic. In addition to my training log, i've decided i'm going to try very hard to do a play 60 for a middle aged adult, lol, why not? I think it has to beat feeling tired and lazy all the time, and just maybe? Is it possible I could regain some higher energy level like I used to have back in the day? I figure it's worth a shot. Just ordered a bicycle which i'm picking up on saturday, and i'm going to try and do something every day in addition to my training regimens. Please wish me luck and perhaps you all will think about what i've written here, I know I am not the only one in this situation! Maybe my Chen will get better, too!

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