Monday, March 14, 2011

Chen Tai Chi is a Martial Art Whereby Age is NOT a Barrier!

Unlike mixed martial arts, or many schools of jujitsu or karate, Chen Tai Chi truly is one of the martial arts that can be done and practiced at any age. Why is that a consideration? Imagine if you decided to invest in a practice at age 30 or 40, only to be forced to stop after 5 -10 years just because the demands of the practice become too much physically for your body to handle? That has to be somewhat disheartening or discouraging to learn something now, knowing that you may not be likely to continue your practice into your senior years.

Chen tai chi has the longest history of tai chi practice that can be practiced into one's elder years. While one can clearly learn to be effective in its practice, NOW, it is good to know that with steady practice, we can still practice and perform its technical skills later in life.

Youtube has quite a few vid clips of chen practitioners in their 80s and up that still move very well and are in great command of their skills.

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