Days like today, I feel very blessed. I have my immediate family to which I am very close and they make me truly happy most of the time. It is often said that "friends are the family we choose, because we are born into families by chance and we have no choice in the matter."
I have such a great feeling of family, and love to see all the members of my Chen Tai Chi family here in NYC. I look forward so incredibly much to every class I can get to and see the welcoming and smiling faces of my friends in class. It is a feeling and experience of training together in the art which gives us so much as we struggle to learn and grow. I laugh and smile often in class, while sweating and suffering through low stances, shaking muscles, and trying hard to do things just right. And I know the people next to me understand what I am going through. My seniors and Shifu, are so understanding, and accepting and encouraging. They truly are great people that make me so happy to spend time with them.
Chen Tai Chi is an integral part of my life now. Even though, I may only get to a class once a week now, my practice and my mind/heart/emotions and thoughts are of class and my family there.
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