The picture above is of Chen Yu showing applications within Chen Tai Chi forms. It's pretty clear, I think from the pic that tai chi can be used effectively in various fight situations if we train appropriately and if that is our end goal.
In class we were discussing internal and external training methodology. The result and the application may be identical or similar, but the practice method is what separates Chen Tai Chi as an internal practice, compared to say, Choy Li Fut or Shaolin Kung Fu.
Keep an open mind as we all learn and develop and grow. Have respect for ALL martial arts, so they respect us as well. But understand what we practice, so we can explain and justify our methods, too. While we are not Shifu yet, we all are teachers as we are all students; sometimes, we just teach ourselves, it's all good.
Have pride in our art... it has a history that has spanned hundreds of years and has had global impact.
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