I calmed down one of my Kung Fu brothers today. While he doesn't do Chen Tai Chi, he does do Chinese Kung Fu, AND he is a member of my clan, in Kali training. He was very upset that some fool was badmouthing Chinese martial arts in general, and had very little to say that was positive about anything, actually.
Truth be told, many years ago, I was an arrogant moron myself and could relate to why that fellow was behaving in the way he was. Fortunately, for myself, whenever I decided to try to learn another martial art, I KNEW to always keep my mouth shut, and learn and do whatever was asked of me. In this way, I've always been blessed to find great teachers wanting to share their arts.
The world is a much 'smaller' place now. I can write on this blog and people can see what I write from all over the planet. It is cool and I feel an obligation to share the truth and what I am blessed to learn with others.
Chen Tai Chi is a wonderful art and I am so grateful to know it. We should all be thankful to Chen Fake for opening up his art for the world to see in Peking during the early 20th century. This was the first time Chen Tai Chi was taught to the public.
I am very grateful for all the teachers willing to share their respective martial arts. Too many systems have fallen into obscurity when they were no longer passed on to other individuals. However, I do understand why teachers would choose NOT to teach a given individual. In those instances, I believe that someone who isn't worthy shouldn't be given our gifts.
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