We had an impromptu Saturday lunch/dinner and many of the students of Shifu showed up the other day. There were over 20 of us all together, and smiles and laughter were abound and people were sharing stories, singing was taking place, and we were a large group of people united in common love of Chen Tai Chi and our teacher, Yu Guo Shun.
I remembered last year, we had a similar gathering, but it was a much smaller crowd that was there. It sure pleases me to see all the happy faces that were present. It was neat to meet others we hadn't known before, and it was super cool, to exchange stories, ideas, jokes and a happy time outside of training. I am very grateful to see that Shifu is steadily building up his family of students I am amazed at how very nice and very friendly, without egos affecting the flow of energy in the room.
Is it Chen Tai Chi or is it Shifu that has resulted in such a fine mix of people there? I think it is both, for sure, Shifu is a masterful teacher, and works very hard at sharing his art with us. And it is such a wonderful art, with throws, locks, strikes, kicks, ideals and beautiful effectiveness, and I believe it fills all of us with a greater appreciation of our lives and the potential we all have to grow, improve and be happy.
We have a really awesome group of people in our Kung Fu group that spans ages of kids on up, and everyone there yesterday, I believe is a reflection of Shifu and his devoted teaching. I believe we are all proud of Shifu, and proud to be a part of his Kung Fu family. I feel so blessed to have these friends in my life. Thank you to all of you who attended yesterday. Thank you to all who will come and join us in the future. May Shifu live a super long time, and may we all grow happier and be stronger and better every day, every chance we have a chance to train and get to see one another.
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