This morning I completed the couch to 5K running program that took me from a couch potato to what I call a "wogger." Wogger, coz' I walk and job, but I am now going steadily 3x/a week and putting in a total of 45-60 minutes of cardio. That has helped my performance in Chen, a lot!! I am not getting as tired as quickly as I did 3 months ago, and my legs feel much stronger, too. I will continue to the wogging until I can become a jogger. Turns out that according to a bunch of fitness experts I should NOT have started the running program being far more than 40 pounds overweight. No problem, as a physical therapist, I monitored my progress and aside from a week and a half of tendonitis, I successfully completed the program.
Now it is time to jump up a notch. Pictured above is a kettlebell. That will be my new training partner and serve as another means of adjunct training to improve my overall Chen training. I've been doing a lot of perusal into an assortment of devices and programs, and have decided that kettlebell training will be useful, efficient and positive towards helping me improve my potential to reach further success in Chen Tai Chi.
Please wish me luck, and i'll update you all as to how the training is going and the changes I perceive in my training! Apologies to all for not updating the blog sooner, last week Hurricane Irene interfered with my class attendance. Hope you all understand.
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