Monday, February 21, 2011

A teacher and his students...

In Martial Arts training, how a teacher interacts and communicates with his or her students is very important. It is a teacher's responsbility to reach out at different times to all students that are present at any given moment, whether it be in class, or at a social event or gathering.

Over the past half year, i've been so fortunate to be studying with Master Yu. In class, everyone feels comfortable asking questions, and asking Shifu to repeat a movement or repeat an explanation, or whatever. Shifu may not speak great english, but his eyes, his facial expressions and his caring are very obvious for all those that interact with him, whether it be in class or at a restaurant.

This is in marked contrast to a teacher that places him or herself on a high pedestal over his or her flock of students. On a very personal note, I've seen a well respected instructor who speaks very fluent english, choose to ignore the vast majority of students with him at a dinner table, and yes, i've also seen this same teacher ignore the masses of his students during his 'teaching' of martial art, as well.

When deciding upon a teacher of a given martial art, lineage may or may not be important to you. Master Yu's lineage is very clear and very impressive.

Looking at style and grace and presentation, is important as it gives you a clear picture or model of what you can aspire to.

Learning about how a teacher shares and interacts with his students will give you an idea of what you may expect in terms of being able to approach the teacher and ask for guidance or instruction. Master Yu truly shines in all of these different arenas.

I admit, i'm biased. I look forward to every encounter with Shifu. Each class, I hunger to train hard, to sweat, to get tired, and to try and do my best under Shifu's watchful eye. I know from speaking to other newbies in class, and my seniors, that i'm far from the only one who feels this passion and desire to grow and do well in class, under Shifu's tutelage.

I really wish more people would come to class and expose themselves to training with Shifu. I really believe you'd be giving yourself a gift that you can enjoy over and over again, and help enrich the passion you may already have for a great and happy life, that can ONLY get better with training in Chen Tai Chi.

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