Sunday, January 16, 2011

Thoughts about Why to Get Started, Thoughts about NOT Quitting

I've studied many different martial arts over the years. Iaido is a relatively esoteric art that I invested over 12 years training in. I used to encourage people to learn iaido because in one's solo practice of the techniques, I experienced many times a feeling of deep inner power when I was able to overcome discomfort, heat and drudgery... by combining my breathing, my focus and intention and the understanding of the PERFECTION we were striving to achieve. We learned the technique, we learned the concept of what we were supposed to do, the formula, and then we practiced and I was able to achieve. The art of Iaido was empowering.

In the past month, we had 4 visitors come and try our Chen class. None returned. Today, we discussed why they chose not to return. Without their feedback, we can only guess. My own opinion is that they were very tired and physically suffering after their initial class. I remember vividly my own first class, and the 3-4 days after that class, walking funny and feeling very weak and sore. In the months that I have been training, my legs have gotten so much stronger. I may get fatigued and feel drained following class, but it feels so good, to be able to move in the deep stances, to be able to make the transition from one movement to the next and I KNOW and I FEEL the difference and it feel so good to me.

Chen Style Tai Chi is so beautiful to watch when a master like Yu Guo Shun performs its practice. It is beautiful to watch my seniors practice and demonstrate. I enjoy and love feeling the beauty of its movements as I struggle to achieve skill and expertise in my practice. Different martial arts forms offer many different reasons to learn and develop ones' passions. Iaido, offers an opportunity to do something to strive for perfection in a given moment of practice. How often in life, do we try to do something absolutely pefectly? Chen Tai Chi, allows us an opportunity to learn how to move gracefully and beautifully, while developing effective fighting skills. How often in life are we given an opportunity to move and show off the beauty inherent in our physical selves in motion? This beauty isn't a result of physical perfection or physique, but rather is a beauty that comes from one's mind/intention and the unique spiralling motions of Chen Tai Chi.

Sure, it is easy enough to embark on a trial class. That demonstrates a willingness to explore, even momentarily something new in one's life, and that is a great thing. But to endeavor to pursue, and grow in the art of Chen Tai Chi, that is another thing entirely. For the moments in our lives when we are enabled to practice, we embrace the passion of the movements and the development of our skills. Yes, there is alot of struggle, alot of demanding physical work involved initially, that may seem daunting and painful to bear, but I promise if you keep practicing, you WILL get stronger, and one day, it won't hurt to come to class, and I really believe that you will embrace being part of the art of Chen Tai Chi.

I unfortunately get older each day, and in my current age, and my current physical condition, I don't appear graceful in my day to day activities. Sometimes it is a struggle just to stand up from my chair. But the wierd thing is? When I begin the empty hand forms, or I grab my sword and begin my weapons practice, the limping, and the gimping disappear. My stances go deep, and my body begins to do the beautiful things I want it to do. My body begins to do the beautiful things I had wanted to learn.

Our willingness to persevere is what makes us people of stronger character AND physical development. People who train in Kung Fu, in martial arts, are different than normal, average people. we are people who thrive in knowing, and understanding that what we do is special and meaningful to us. Be exceptional. Allow yourself the opportunity to grow and be great in something. I love Chen Tai Chi, and I promote this art as something beneficial to all. However, if you don't choose Chen Tai Chi, that's ok, but I strongly urge you then to seek out another path that can help you achieve beauty in life and grace, and personal empowerment. But take a closer look please at Chen Tai Chi, it's tough to find something else that offers as much, for the little physical investment in time and energy.


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