Well, since I made a resolution about the Chen style broadsword training I decided I may as well try another fitness resolution. Last year was good, I achieved some things, and burned out in others. A friend gave me a set of his 10 minute trainer workouts. I found out about this system on Dr. Oz's tv show. I really do like the notion of a 10 minute exercise session, I mean, c'mon we all have at least 10 minutes a day, right?
When I go to class, I always feel a pressure to train as hard as I can. Shifu sets a high standard and demand out of all of us, and I think sometimes he feels I let him down when I fatigue after an hour or hour and a half. In the past, I know if he doesn't see folks practicing the new form, he will make us revert back to focusing on Lao Jia Yi Lu.
Now, don't get me wrong, I love Lao Jia Yi Lu, but it is fun to practice the new forms, too. Shifu worries that the new form maybe too much for us in class. He has stated that several times that I personally am aware of. As a result, I always feel pressure to improve my conditioning, my basics, and do more practice. I absolutely hate missing class, but sometimes, especially as I get older, my body just fails me. Sigh.
Anyway, that is why i'm going to try this 10 minute trainer thing.
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